Just announced! Our 2025 expedition dates and prices are now live!
Just announced! Our 2025 expedition dates and prices are now live!
Enjoy the landscape wonders of the Empty Quarter in Oman, captured magnificently by drone pilot and explorer Ramy El Tarras.
Visit the incredible prehistoric rock art site in Hima, Saudi Arabia with our lead explorer Mahmoud Mohareb
Travelling with us is more than a desert trip. We immerse you into the authentic desert life experience with traditional Bedouin cooking, sleeping under the open skies and following in the footsteps of the world's pioneer desert expeditioners.
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Exploring the desert starts with a book
For anyone interested in the Empty Quarter, we highly recommend Wilfred Thesiger’s 1959 masterpiece Arabian Sands, which introduced the true nature of the desert and its Bedouin population.
The earlier travels of Bertram Thomas and St John Philby revealed the vast possibilities of the Arabian Empty Quarter. It was left to Wilfred Thesiger to cross this unexplored and mysterious area of huge dunes, not once but twice, during which he came to understand one of the world’s most formidable deserts as well as the inner lives of the mysterious Bedouin tribes that had made it their home. These books, especially Arabian Sands, are great source materials and a good starting point for any traveler seeking a proper exploration of the Empty Quarter, Oman and Southern Arabia.
Tribe Oman plans well-mounted expeditions, travelling in small groups of maximum eight clients per trip. We are seasoned veterans of the Desert with strong foundations in Bedouin culture. We use only tried and tested methods, the strongest four-wheel drive vehicles, traveling in the same manner as modern Bedouin tribes,
carrying all our gear: tents, water, fuel and supplies.
Our campsites and routes follow ancient explorer routes, as well as modern variants that we have surveyed ourselves. Our expeditions give you the chance to taste the Bedouin way of life and to experience the desert in all its magnificent grandeur
and charming solitude.
Learn more about our history of travel on YouTube
'To return to the Empty Quarter would be to answer a challenge, and to remain there for long would be to test myself to the limit, the empty quarter offered me the chance to win distinction as a traveler, but I believed that it could give me more than this, that in those empty wastes I could find the peace that comes with solitude, and among the bedu, comradeship in a hostile world.'
Muscat, Muscat Governorate, Oman
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